There are several ways to use latex in blogger. Here I present the one I believe the best, MathJax.
1. add Gadget -> JavaScript/HTML
2. do not fill in title, copy the following lines into the content part:
I. Newton: F=m⋅a,f=−Gm1m2r2.
J. Maxwell: ∂νFμν=μ0Jμ; ϵμνσρ∂νFσρ=0.
J. Gibbs: ρ∝e−β(H−μN).
A. Einstein: ddτpμ=fμ,Gμν=8πGc4Tμν.
E. Schrodinger: iℏ∂∂t|ψ⟩=H|ψ⟩,Gμν=8πGc4⟨ˆTμν⟩ψ
R. Feynman: DF(x−x′)=∫Dφexp{iℏS[φ]}.
J. Schwinger: {δδφ(x)S[1iδδJ]+J(x)}∫Dφexp(iℏS[φ,J])=0.