
Jul 31, 2012

vim for FORTRAN

This page contains useful configuration of vim for FORTRAN.

I summarize several useful configurations:
  • style of source file (the default is fixed style):
:let fortran_free_source=1
:let fortran_fixed_source=1
add them prior to the :syntax on command
if you want to switch between free style and fixed style, add the following lines:

nmap <S-F> :set syntax=fortran<CR>:let b:fortran_fixed_source=!b:fortran_fixed_source<CR>:set syntax=text<CR>:set syntax=fortran<CR>
nmap <C-F> :filetype detect<CR>

  • enable Tabs in FORTRAN (otherwise they are marked as ugly red blocks):
:let fortran_have_tabs=1
  • code folding:
" :za toggle code folding
" :zr (zR) open all
" :zm (zM) close all
" :zc close
" :zo open

set foldmethod=indent
set foldnestmax=10
set nofoldenable " no fold by default
set foldlevel=1   " some value I don't know...
" code folding for fortran
:let fortran_fold=1
:let fortran_fold_conditionals=1
:let fortran_fold_multilinecomments=1
  • an enhanced vim script for FORTRAN 2003 keywords, can be found here.
  • block comments
this plugin supports block comments for FORTRAN and others.
Global Plugin to comment and un-comment lines in different source files in both normal and visual mode
ctrl-c to comment a single line ctrl-x to un-comment a single line
shift-v and select multiple lines, then ctrl-c to comment the selected multiple lines
shift-v and select multiple lines, then ctrl-x to un-comment the selected multiple lines
c, c++, java, php[2345], proc, css, html, htm, xml, xhtml, vim, vimrc, sql, sh, ksh, csh, perl, tex, fortran, ml, caml, ocaml, vhdl, haskel and normal files

Jul 16, 2012

Cartoon: What's the point of Large Hadron Collider?

Me too has been tired to answer this kind of questions...

Jul 4, 2012

The Standard Model Scalar Boson Found

The Standard Model scalar boson, AKA Higgs, found, declared by CERN scientists.