Legendre functions (Legendre polynomials) are the solutions of the following linear Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE), ddx[(1−x2)ddxPn(x)]+n(n+1)Pn(x)=0
The Legendre function Pn(x) is a degree n polynomial. It has n distinct roots within (-1,1), xn,k,k=1,2,⋯n, xn,1<xn,2<⋯<xn,n. There is no analytical solution for high order Legendre polynomials. It is useful to know the analytical bounds of the roots.
According to Bruns, Markoff, Stieltjes and Szego [1], the roots satisfy the following inequality, cos(n−k+1)πn+1<xn,k<cos(n−k+34)πn+12 for k=1,⋯[n2]. For the other half, recall xn,n−k+1=−xn,k.
It may also be useful to give a pair of global bounds, cos(n−k+12)πn+12<xn,k<cos(n−k+1)πn+12 for k=1,2,⋯n, although this is a coarse one.
The roots of the Legendre polynomials also admit asymptotic expansion due to Francesco Tricomi [2]. Let θn,k=n−k+3/4n+1/2π. Then the k-th root (in ascent order) is xn,k={1−18n2+18n3−1384n4(39−28sin2θn,k)+O(n−5)}cosθn,k, which can be improve by Newton's algorithm xν+1=xν−1−x2νnPn(xν)Pn−1(xν)−xνPn(xν).
Another approximation due to Gatteschi and Pittaluga [3] is xn,k=cos{θn,k+116(n+1/2)2(cot12θn,k−tan12θn,k)}+O(n−4).
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Let xn,k be the k-th root of Pn(x), ξn,k be its approximations. |
The xn,k≃cosθn,k is a pretty good estimator of the location k of Gaussian nodes from xn,k.
Last but not least, the zeros are the nodes of the Gaussian quadrature. ∫+1−1dxf(x)≃n∑k=1wn,kf(xn,k) where wn,k=2(1−x2n,k)[P′n(xn,k)]2 are called the Gaussian weights. Gaussian quadrature can be illustrated by the bellow figure (n=16).
[1] Gabriel Szego, Inequalities for the Zeros of Legendre Polynomials and Related Functions, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 39, No. 1 (1936)[2] F. G. Tricomi, Sugli zeri dei polinomi sferici ed ultrasferici, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl., 31 (1950), pp. 93–97; F.G. Lether and P.R. Wenston, Minimax approximations to the zeros of Pn(x) and Gauss-Legendre quadrature, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Volume 59, Issue 2, 19 May 1995, Pages 245–252
[3] L. Gatteschi and G. Pittaluga, An asymptotic expansion for the zeros of Jacobi polynomials, in Mathematical Analysis. Teubner-Texte Math., 79 (1985), pp. 70–86
Source codes:
John Burkardt (GNU LGPL): http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/cpp_src/quadrule/quadrule.html
pomax.github.io: http://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo/legendre-gauss.html
rosettacode: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Numerical_integration/Gauss-Legendre_Quadrature
GaussianQuadratureWeights[n, a, b, prec]