Given a 3D curve
→r(t)=(x(t),y(t),z(t)),t∈I=[0,1], Tubify[ {x, y, z}, a] turns it into a tube around the curve. The Mathematica Tube[] has similar function (works on lines). The essential thing is to find the unit circle in the normal plane for each point (Shown in Fig. 1). The tangential vector is simply
→α=→r′/|→r′|, where
→r′=d→r/dt. The normal vector is
→β=→α′/|→α′|=→r″. The binormal vector is
\vec{\gamma} = \vec{\alpha} \times \vec{\beta} = \frac{\vec{r}' \times \vec{r}'' }{\sqrt{|\vec{r}''|^2 |\vec{r}'|^2 - (\vec{r}'\cdot\vec{r}'')^2} } .
Fig. 1: black, \vec{\alpha}, green \vec{\beta}, blue \vec{\gamma}. |
Tubify[{x_, y_, z_}, r_] :=
({x[#1], y[#1], z[#1]}
+ (r[#1] Cos[#2])/
Norm[(Norm[{x'[#1], y'[#1], z'[#1]}]^2 {x''[#1], y''[#1],
z''[#1]} - {x'[#1], y'[#1], z'[#1]}.{x''[#1], y''[#1],
z''[#1]} {x'[#1], y'[#1], z'[#1]})] (Norm[{x'[#1], y'[#1],
z'[#1]}]^2 {x''[#1], y''[#1],
z''[#1]} - {x'[#1], y'[#1], z'[#1]}.{x''[#1], y''[#1],
z''[#1]} {x'[#1], y'[#1], z'[#1]})
+ (r [#1] Sin[#2] )/
Norm[{-z'[#1]*y''[#1] + z''[#1]*y'[#1],
z'[#1]*x''[#1] - z''[#1]*x'[#1], -y'[#1]*x''[#1] +
x'[#1]*y''[#1]}] {-z'[#1]*y''[#1] + z''[#1]*y'[#1],
z'[#1]*x''[#1] - z''[#1]*x'[#1], -y'[#1]*x''[#1] +
x'[#1]*y''[#1]}) &
All the arguments are functions.
Example 1:
Tubify[{(2 + Cos[3 #]) Cos[ #] &, (2 + Cos[3 #]) Sin[#] &,
Sin[3 #] &}, 0.25 &][u, v],
{u, 0, 2 Pi}, {v, 0, 2 Pi}, PlotStyle -> Opacity[0.2],
Mesh -> None, Boxed -> True, Axes -> False, BoxRatios -> Automatic,
PerformanceGoal -> "Quality", PlotPoints -> 80, MaxRecursion -> 0,
PlotLabel ->
Style[TraditionalForm /@ {(2 + Cos[3 t]) Cos[
t], (2 + Cos[3 t]) Sin[t], Sin[3 t]}, 20]
ParametricPlot3D[{(2 + Cos[3 u]) Cos[ u], (2 + Cos[3 u]) Sin[u],
Sin[3 u]}, {u, 0, 2 Pi},
PlotStyle -> Directive[{Red, Opacity[1], Thick}]], ImageSize -> 600
A similar code using Tube[]:
{(2 + Cos[3 u]) Cos[ u], (2 + Cos[3 u]) Sin[u],
Sin[3 u]}, {u, 0, 2 Pi}, PlotStyle -> Opacity[0.2],
Mesh -> None, Boxed -> True, Axes -> False, BoxRatios -> Automatic,
PerformanceGoal -> "Quality", PlotPoints -> 80, MaxRecursion -> 0,
PlotLabel ->
Style[TraditionalForm /@ {(2 + Cos[3 t]) Cos[
t], (2 + Cos[3 t]) Sin[t], Sin[3 t]}, 20]
]/.Line[pts_, rest___] :> Tube[pts, 0.1, rest]
Fig. 2 |
Example 2, trefoil knot:
Tubify[{Sin[#] + 2 Sin[2 #] &, Cos[#] - 2 Cos[2 #] &, -Sin[3 #] &},
0.25 &][u, v],
{u, 0, 2 Pi}, {v, 0, 2 Pi}, PlotStyle -> Opacity[0.3],
Mesh -> None, Boxed -> True, Axes -> False, BoxRatios -> Automatic,
PerformanceGoal -> "Quality", PlotPoints -> 100, MaxRecursion -> 0,
PlotLabel -> Style[TraditionalForm /@ trefoil[t], 20]
], ImageSize -> 600
Fig. 3 Trefoil Knot |
Similarly, we can also define the Frenet's Ribbon:
Ribbonize[{x_, y_, z_}, r_] :=
({x[#1], y[#1], z[#1]}
+ r [#1] #2 /
Norm[{-z'[#1]*y''[#1] + z''[#1]*y'[#1],
z'[#1]*x''[#1] - z''[#1]*x'[#1], -y'[#1]*x''[#1] +
x'[#1]*y''[#1]}] {-z'[#1]*y''[#1] + z''[#1]*y'[#1],
z'[#1]*x''[#1] - z''[#1]*x'[#1], -y'[#1]*x''[#1] +
x'[#1]*y''[#1]}) &
Fig. 4, Trefoil Ribbon |
Fig. 5, Helix Ribbon |
more examples:
Fig. 6, A Seashell Surface |
Fig. 7, Double Helix (cf. DNA) |
Fig. 8, A Figure-eight Knot |
Tubify[{#/Pi Cos[#] &, #/Pi Sin[#] &, #/Pi &}, Sin[#/4] &][u, u*80],
{u, 0, 4 Pi}, PlotStyle -> Directive[{Red, Thick, Opacity[0.8]}],
Mesh -> None, Boxed -> True, Axes -> False, BoxRatios -> Automatic,
PlotRange -> All, PerformanceGoal -> "Quality", MaxRecursion -> 0,
PlotPoints -> 2560, PlotLabel -> Style["", 20],
ImageSize -> 500
Fig. 9, a coilfied 3D curve |