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Oct 29, 2014

Disturbing a Quantum Field

Lesson from Condensed Matter Physics (CMP)

In condensed matter systems, it is useful to study the collective response to external fields. For example, when adding an electric field E to a metal, a current J would be generated. We call the response the conductivity, which is unique for each material, thus reflects internal properties of the system. Quantitatively, the conductivity is defined in terms of the external field and the respond current J(t,x)=d3xtdtσ(tt,xx)E(t,x). The upper limit of the temporal integral is due to causality. In general, the conductivity may depends on the external field E (non-linear effect). In the weak field limit E0,  however, it is independent to E (linear response) and provides an important probe for the property of the material. There are also other linear responses of the condensed matter systems. The Green-Kubo formula (Melville Green 1954, Ryogo Kubo 1957) provides a neat recipe to compute the linear response of the condensed matter system to an external field.

Suppose a weak external field F(t,x) couples to a condensed matter system through Hint=d3xF(t,x)A(t,x). The system was originally described by the density operator ϱ=Z1exp[β(HμN)], where Z=trexp[β(HμN)]. The linear response theory concerns the expectation value of an observable B(t,x): B(t,x)FB(t,x)=tr[(ϱF(t)ϱ(t))B(t,x)]dtd3xχAB(tt,xx)F(t,x) where ϱF(t) is the density matrix in the perturbed system. The Green-Kubo formula asserts that the linear transportation coefficient χAB(tt,xx)=iΘ(tt)[B(t,x),A(t,x)]. For example, the conductivity is related to the current-current correlation function*, σAB(tt,xx)=iΘ(tt)[1tJ(t,x),1tJ(t,x)].

*In general, the current is a four-vector hence the response is a tensor. One should consider the contribution from all components, which gives rise to several transport coefficients: the longitudinal conductivity, the density responses as well as the Hall conductivity etc.

Quantum Field Theory (QFT)

The vacuum state of QFT |Ω is intrinsically many-body (even the free field theory!). Let's disturb the QFT vacuum and measure the linear response.

Let Jr(x) be a classical source. We couple it to the quantum field φ(x) through Hint(x)=Ar(x)Jr(x), where A is a local operator constructed from φ. Then we measure the vacuum expectation value (VEV) of an observable Bs(x) (To measure this observable, we may, for example, couple the field to a classical field. That's why we often consider the case A=B, which we sill talk about later.): Bs(x)JZ1JΩ|Bs(x)|ΩJ, where ZJ=Ω|ΩJ is the perturbed partition function. In the weak source limit (J0), the response should be linear, similar to the condensed matter system: Bs(x)=d4xχBAsr(x,x)Jr(x)+O(J2). Let Z be the unperturbed partition function. In the weak external field limit J0, ZJ=Z(1id4xAr(x)ΩJr(x)12d4xd4yT{Ar(x)As(y)}Jr(x)Js(y)). and Ω|Bs(x)|ΩJ is, Ω|Bs(x)|ΩJ=Ω|Bs(x)|Ωid4xΩ|T{Bs(x)Ar(x)}|ΩJr(x). Then the vacuum expectation value (VEV) Bs(x)J=Bs(x)+id4xAr(x)Bs(x)Jr(x)id4xT{Bs(x)Ar(x)}Jr(x). It is convenient to work with "renormalized" operators that have vanishing VEV without the presence of the external source. For example, we may define: BRs(x)=Bs(x)Bs(x). It is easy to see,BRs(x)J=id4xT{BRs(x)ARr(x)}Jr(x). Therefore, the transport coefficient χ(x,x)T{BRs(x)ARr(x)}. Note that causality is preserved by time-ordering operator T.

From now on, we'll assume all the operators have been properly renormalized, unless elsewhere stated.

Example 1: Field Propagation

A=B=φ, where φ(x) is the renormalized field such that Ω|φ(x)|Ω=0. φ(x)J represents the amplitude for finding a physical particle in the disturbed vacuum. φa(x)J=id4xT{φa(x)φb(x)}Jb(x), Here Dab(xx)iT{φa(x)φb(x)} is nothing but the Feynman propagator. This means sense physically: the classical source J creates a physical particle at x, and then the particle propagate to x to be detected.

Note that we are not doing perturbation theory. The graphical representations are not necessarily Feynman diagrams.

Example 2: Vacuum Polarization

Let A=B=Jμ(x), where Jμ is the electromagnetic current. We couple a classical electromagnetic field Aμ(x)eϵ|x0|,(ϵ0+) to the vacuum and measure the current: Jμ(x)A=id4xT{Jμ(x)Jν(x)}Aν(x)eϵ|x0|. The linear transport coefficient is called the polarization tensor: Πμν(xx)T{Jμ(x)Jν(x)}. Consider a free Dirac field, ψ(x)=s=±d3k(2π)32ωp[us(k)bs(k)eikx+vs(k)ds(k)eikx]. The electromagnetic current is Jμ(x)=ˉψ(x)γμψ(x). Applying Wick theorem, the polarization tensor is Πμν(xx)=tr[γμS(xx)γνS(xx)]tr[γμS(xx)]tr[γνS(xx)].

Now consider a perturbative spinor electrodynamics. Let's denote the free Dirac action as S0, the
interaction as Sint=d4xˉψ(x)γμψ(x)Aμ(x).

Here we are only concerning the linear effect. One may well ask the question of the induced current by a strong classical source field. The problem is called the Schwinger effect. It turns out, in the semi-classical approximation, the partition function is ZAΩ|ΩAeiSeff Therefore, the pair production probability (or rather the vacuum decay probability) P=1e2ImSeff. Considering only the one-loop effect in a constant E-field, Schwinger calculated the vacuum decay rate (Phys. Rev. 82, 664 (1951)), dNdVdt=(eE)24π3n=11n2enπEc/E where Ec=m2ec3e1018V/m is a super-duperly strong field! However, it may be found in: a) heavy ion collision; b) magnetar; c) condensed matter emulated QED (e.g., graphene); d) high energy lasers (still a long way to go).

Example 3: Hadron Structure

Let A=B=Jμ(x), where Jμ is the electromagnetic current. The linear response can also be used to study a bound state. The key is to "create" and "annihilate" a bound state from the vacuum with the field operator, |ψ(z)limz0ψ(z)|Ω,ψ(y)|limy0+Ω|ˉψ(y). We couple a classical electromagnetic field Aμ(x)eϵ|x0|,(ϵ0+) to a physical particle through the minimal coupling AμJμ. Then we measure the charge distribution: ψ(y)|Jμ(x)|ψ(z)A=id4xψ(y)|T{Jμ(x)Jν(x)}|ψ(z)Aν(x)eϵ|x0| The particle propagation before and after the experiment is no interest to us. Let's do Fourier transform:ψ(z)|Ω=d3p(2π)32ωp˜ψ(p)eipx|p,σ,(ωp=m2+p2) Therefore, let's study the current distribution of plane wave modes: p,σ|Jμ(x)|p,σA=id4xp,σ|T{Jμ(x)Jν(x)}|p,σAν(x)eϵ|x0|

Beyond Linear Response

The linear response can be use to formulate the perturbation theory. Let's disturb a scalar field φ(x) with a classical source j. The new partition function is, Zj=Dφexp(iS+id4xj(x)φ(x))=ΩTexp(id4xj(x)φ(x))Ω=n=0inn!d4x1d4xnj(x1)j(xn)ΩTφ(x1)φ(x2)φ(xn)Ω=n=0inn!d4x1d4xnj(x1)j(xn)G(x1,x2,,xn) where G(x1,x2,,xn)=ΩTφ(x1)φ(x2)φ(xn)Ω is the n-point correlation function (aka. n-point causal correlator). The translational symmetry implies G(x1,,xn)=G(x1a,,xna). In the momentum space, G(x1,,xn)=d4p1(2π)4d4pn(2π)4exp(ip1x1++ipnxn)G(p1,,pn) The translational symmetry implies G(p1,,pn)=(2π)4δ4(p1++pn)˜G(p1,,pn).

The correlators G(x1,x2,,xn) can be represented by the sum of graphs subject to n external legs, G(x1,,xn)=gDg(x1,,xn), known as the Feynman diagrams.
A diagrammatic representation of a n-point causal correlator

Next, it is convenient to work with the irreducible diagrams (represented by connected graphs), C, and the corresponding correlator Gc(x1,x2,,xn). Apparently, any diagram Dg with topology g can be written as a product of its connected components, 1ng!ing|Autg|d4x1d4xngj(x1)j(xng)Dg(x1,,xng)=sSg1ms!(1ns!ins|Auts|d4x1d4xngj(x1)j(xng)Ds)ms where Sg be the set of connected subgraphs of graph g, ms is the multiplicity of sSg in g, that is, g consists of ms copies of s; ns evaluates the number of external legs in graph s and ng=sSgmsns. The factor 1ns! came from the multinomial coefficients {n_g \choose n_{s_1}, n_{s_2}, \cdots}}, which represents the number of ways to split the n_g external sources.

Then the disturbed partition function Z_j, \begin{split} Z_j &= \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{i^n}{n!}\int\mathrm d^4x_1\,\cdots\mathrm d^4x_n\, j(x_1) \cdots j(x_n) G(x_1, \cdots, x_n) \\ &= \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{i^n}{n!} \int\mathrm d^4x_1\,\cdots\mathrm d^4x_n\, j(x_1) \cdots j(x_n) \sum_{g, n_g=n} \frac{1}{|\mathrm {Aut}\,g| } D_g(x_1, \cdots, x_n) \\ &= \sum_{g} \prod_{s\in S_g} \frac{1}{m_s!} \bigg(\frac{1}{n_s!}\frac{i^{n_s}}{|\mathrm{Aut}\, s|} \int\mathrm d^4x_1\,\cdots\mathrm d^4x_{n_s}\, j(x_1) \cdots j(x_{n_s}) D_s \bigg)^{m_s} \\ \end{split} In the last line, s \sim \frac{1}{n_s!}\frac{i^{n_s}}{|\mathrm{Aut}\, s|} \int\mathrm d^4x_1\,\cdots\mathrm d^4x_{n_s}\, j(x_1) \cdots j(x_{n_s}) D_s is the expression for connect graph s. Compare the last line with multinomial expansion (x_1+x_2+\cdots + x_k)^n = \sum_{m_1,m_2,\cdots,m_k} {n \choose m_1,m_2,\cdots,m_k} x_1^{m_1}x_2^{m_2}\cdots x_k^{m_k}. Therefore, we can change the order of summation and multiplication and Z_j = \exp \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{i^n}{n!} \int \mathrm d^4x_1\,\cdots\mathrm d^4x_n\, j(x_1) \cdots j(x_n) \sum_{g\in C, n_c=n} D_c(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n). Here C is the collection of all connected Feynman diagrams. This result is the linked cluster theorem, which relates the free energy with the connect diagrams, iW_j = \ln Z_j = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{i^n}{n!}\int\mathrm d^4x_1\,\cdots\mathrm d^4x_n\, j(x_1) \cdots j(x_n) G_c(x_1, x_2, \cdots, x_n). This theorem can be proven more rigorously from induction, by defining the connected correlator G_c(x_1, \cdots, x_n) = G(x_1, \cdots, x_n) - \sum_{P}\prod_{p\in P} G_c(\{x\}_p).

Consider the vacuum expectation value (VEV) of the field \varphi(x), \langle \varphi(x) \rangle_j = Z_j^{-1} \frac{1}{i}\frac{\delta}{\delta j(x)} Z_j = \frac{\delta}{\delta j(x)} W_j Let's do a Legendre transformation to introduce a new quantity (the minus sign is the convention): -\Gamma_j = \int \mathrm d^4x\, \delta/\delta j(x) W_j \cdot j(x) - W_j

Oct 23, 2014

Cosmology and the First Law of Thermal Dynamics

According to the standard cosmology, our universe is expanding. During the process, the content of the Universe is also changing. For example, about 13.7 billion years ago, the Universe was dominated by dark matter; however, today it is the dark energy that rules the sky. According to the standard cosmological model, Lambda-CMD, the energy density of the dark energy \rho_\Lambda = \frac{\Lambda}{8\pi G} (\Lambda is Einstein's cosmological constant) does not change during the expansion of the Universe. That is why the dark energy is increasing as the Universe becomes larger. There is no known  interaction between the dark energy and the ordinary matter (including dark matter) except for gravity - which according to the general relativity is merely the curvature of the Universe. There is no exchange of energy. So where does this large amount of energy come from? Does the first law of thermal dynamics (the law of energy conservation) still hold? Given the "dark" nature of the dark energy, one may turn to consider physical matters, such as photons - the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB). As the Universe expands, the photons are redshifted, i.e., their frequencies \nu become smaller \nu/(1+z), z>0. Since the Universe is extremely empty, the loss of photons due to reaction is negligible. Therefore, the total energy of the radiation E = N_\gamma h \nu would decrease as the Universe expands. So, again, where does the energy go?

Fig. 1, Left: an artist's impression of the chronology of the Universe. Right: the contents of the Universe according to WMAP project. Credit: NASA / WMAP Science Team
The answer is in the Friedmann's equations themselves. Recall the Robertson-Walker metric \mathrm ds^2 = \mathrm dt^2 - a^2(t) \left( \frac{\mathrm dr^2}{1-k r^2} + r^2 \mathrm d\theta^2 + r^2 \sin^2\theta\mathrm d\phi^2 \right) where, k represent the curvature of the space, and a(t) is the scale factor that satisfies the Friedmann's equations state, \begin{split} \left(\frac{\dot a}{a} \right)^2 &= \frac{8\pi G}{3} \rho + \frac{\Lambda}{3} - \frac{k}{a^2} \\ \frac{\ddot a}{a} &= -\frac{4\pi G}{3} (\rho + 3p) + \frac{\Lambda}{3} \end{split} Take the derivative on the first equation and substitute the second one into it and then we get, \dot \rho = -3\frac{\dot a}{a} (\rho + p ) \Rightarrow \mathrm d\rho = -3\frac{\mathrm da}{a}(\rho + p). The volume of the Universe expands as V = V_0 a^3 or \frac{\mathrm dV}{V} = 3 \frac{\mathrm da}{a}. Here \rho is the energy density of the matters (baryon matter, radiation and dark matter etc). Then the internal energy is U = \rho V or \mathrm dU = \mathrm d\rho V + \rho \mathrm dV. Plug in the expression for \mathrm dV and \mathrm d\rho. We arrive, \mathrm dU + p \mathrm dV = 0! This is precisely the first law of thermal dynamics (for matters) for an adiabatic expansion. Therefore, the loss of radiation energy is due to the work of the CMB ratiation done to the Universe, which makes the Universe expands.

Now, what about the dark energy? Where does the dark energy come from? Simply consider the internal energy of the dark energy: \mathrm d U_\Lambda = \rho_\Lambda \mathrm d V. This is because the energy density of the dark energy is constant. Add the work term, \mathrm dU_\Lambda + p_\Lambda \mathrm dV= (\rho_\Lambda + p_\Lambda) \mathrm dV. Now we need a relation that relates the energy density and the pressure, which is called the equation of state (EoS). To obtain the EoS for dark energy, we can look at the second Friedmann's equation. If the cosmological constant is treated as some energy, the right-hand side of the equation should be written as \frac{\ddot a}{a} = -\frac{4\pi G}{3} (\rho + 3p) -\frac{4\pi G}{3} (\rho_\Lambda + 3p_\Lambda) Namely, 4\pi G (\rho_\Lambda + 3p_\Lambda) = -\Lambda. But \rho_\Lambda = \frac{\Lambda}{8\pi G}. Therefore, p_\Lambda = - \rho_\Lambda. This is the EoS for the dark energy, which says the dark energy has negative pressure! Turn back to the thermal dynamical equation, clearly \mathrm dU_\Lambda + p_\Lambda \mathrm dV = 0. Again, the dark energy also obeys the first law of thermal dynamics. It turns out the dark energy was created from the negative pressure and the work done by the Universe.