
Oct 9, 2013

Smoothing a polygon

Ref. [1] has an interesting observation. For any closed polygon, if one takes the midpoint repeatedly, the polygon will be eventually smoothed out. The authors observed that the curves will become an elliptic.

The mapping is in fact independent in x and y directions. Therefore, after large enough iteration, the x and y coordinate will be "in phase", i.e. belong to the same eigensubspace.

randline[n_Integer, a_: - 1, b_: 1] := RandomReal[{a, b}, {n, 2}]

mpt[pts_, n_: 3] := 
 Table[Sum[pts[[Mod[i + j - 1, Length@pts, 1]]], {j, 1, n}]/n, {i, 1, 

nl[npts_, nitr_, n_: 2, a_: - 1, b_: 1] := 
  NestList[mpt[#, n] &, randline[npts, a, b], nitr];

randplot[npt_, nit_, nst_: 10, na_: 2, pt_: False, init_: False, a_: - 1,
   b_: 1] :=
 Module[{n, i0 = Min[Max[1, nst], nit + 1]},
  n = nl[npt, nit, na, a, b];
     Flatten[Table[{Hue[(i - i0)/(nit + 1 - i0)], 
        Line[closeline[n[[i]]]], PointSize[Medium], 
        Point[n[[i]]]}, {i, nst, nit + 1}], 1]],
     Flatten[Table[{Hue[(i - nst)/(nit + 1 - i0)], 
        Line[closeline[n[[i]]]]}, {i, nst, nit + 1}], 1]]
    ], If[init,
    Graphics[{Opacity[0.6], Line[closeline[n[[1]]]]}],

I here also present the spectrum


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